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We are currently accepting jobs for APRIL and after

Can We Help Your House?

Isthmus Handyman & Tim Carlisle Handyman LLC have been helping Madison homeowners with their home repair and improvement needs for 30 years and counting.  We are proud to be one of Madison's oldest and consistently best reviewed professional handyman services.
  • We specialize in small and medium sized jobs many other contractors turn down, or accept reluctantly
  • We have the skills and experience to do many types of home repair and improvement work
  • We can often do everything on your to-do list so you don't have to hire multiple tradespeople
  • We are reliable, insured, and have a reputation for excellent customer service and fair dealing
  • We serve homeowners and their homes, mostly single family older homes
    • Note that we don't work on rental or commercial properties
  • We have chosen to remain a small, local company focused on high quality work and personal service
  • We prioritize serving repeat and returning clients - we prefer an ongoing relationship to a job, and we have been fortunate to have many clients trust us with the care of their homes year after year
So... Can We Help Your House?
With many satisfied returning clients and Madison's booming housing market, the high demand for our services keeps us very busy year-round with little or no advertising.
We are always happy to consider new clients, and new jobs from returning clients, provided we have capacity in our schedule, and our services are a good fit for your needs.  
New (potential) and returning clients should review our list of services, our service area, our rates and scheduling information in the tabs above.
This information will help you determine whether Isthmus Handyman can help you with your project, and how long you may have to wait for our services.  In warm weather months we are often scheduled out a month or more, especially for new clients.
If you think we can help you and your house,  please fill out our 
Thank you for your interest in our services.
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